Eventfotografie Totale
Tagungsfotografie Event
Eventfotografie Motorsport
Messefotografie Totale
Eventfotografie Redner
Architekturfotografie Bad
Industriefotografie Architektur
Messefotografie Aufbau
Architekturfotografie Industrie
Praxisfotografie Geräte
Architekturfotografie Industrie
Eventfotografie Totale
Portätfotografie Messe
Eventfotografie Vergnügungspark
Industrie Porträtfotos
Businessfotografie Gespräch

Welcome to

An original idea is the foundation of success – an elaborate marketing strategy and an effective presentation of this idea are the success guarantee.

You want to tell everyone about your business, a special event or an important meeting? Do it in pictures! A single picture speaks better than the most skillful rhetoric. Pictures and photo coverages by top event photographers are able to reveal the essence of an event, a company or an entire corporate identity to the outside world. The key is your intention and your goal, and the pictures will tell the rest of the story. offers you a team of photographers that understand your needs and represent you the way you want it. Since its establishing in 2009 this company has over four years of experience to show, as well as a considerable field-tested photography know-how. Our new ideas and an original approach have rapidly increased our brand awareness, our professional service makes us stand out from the crowd in every respect.

Our team consists of two professional photographers and operates all over Germany. Our tasteful photography covers major areas of business presentation. Our service spectrum stretches from coverage and press photography, emotional and atmospheric pictures to photography that revamps the image of your company.

We have a complete set of professional photographic equipment at our disposal that opens limitless opportunities for you as well as for us. We are covered for every situation, be it indoor or outdoor photography. We discuss your specific wishes and your vision beforehand. We gladly visit you, and our experience will help us to answer your questions clearly and to your satisfaction. Discretion is, of course, implied.

Our comprehensive portfolio will give you a first overview of our event photography services. Thus, you will know at the outset what to expect. Trade fairs, meetings, business profiles, company pictures or architectural photography – we document the mood, the idea, the essence – depending on the topic and the concept.


Eventfotografie Porträt

An event is what you want to commit to your memory for a very long time, especially, if it is important. Professional event photography makes it possible.

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Architekturfotografie Tagung

What is important at a meeting? The answer is obvious: the presence of all the participants and a plausible, satisfactory conclusion as a result of discussing all the items on…

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Trade fair

Eventfotografie Messe

We provide you with high quality trade fair photos which you can use for your catalogues, prints and presentation of your trade fair stand or your entire trade fair appearance.

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Businessfotografie Kundengespräch

Our expertise in numerous fields of photography helps us to adopt positively to your wishes and to implement individual strategies in order to achieve a desired result.

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Interior Fotografie

Interior photography is an important area of architectural photography and its task is to emphasise the style and concinnity photographically. Its advertising effect is also not to be underestimated.

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Fotografie Präsentation

A positive image is profitable, a magnet for success and is undoubtedly one of the goals of an entrepreneur or a service provider. A dominant position amongst your competitors is…

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